Sinong(Simon) Zhan

I am a 2nd year PhD student of ECE department, Northwestern University advised by Qi Zhu, and I also work closely with Zhaoran Wang and Chao Huang. Before Northwestern, I did my undergrad on Applied Math and Computer Science at UC Berkeley, where I was advised by Sanjit A. Seshia. I had experience on Ubiquitous Computing and Novel sensing and have been fortunately advised by Teng Han and Tian Feng.

I'm interested in combining techniques from machine learning, control theory, and formal method to enforce safety and robustness of various cyber-physics systems applications. I'm also broadly interested in Generative Models, Human Factor, and AI4Math (Theorem Proving in LEAN, Autoformalism, etc.).

Email  /  CV  /  Google Scholar  /  DBLP  /  Github

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[05/2024] Our paper "Variatinoal Policy Delayed Optimization" is accepted to Neurips 2024(Spotlight!)

[06/2024] Our paper "Kinematics-aware Trajectory Generation and Prediction with Latent SDE" is accepted to IROS 2024

[06/2024] Our paper "Case Study: Runtime Safety Verification of Neural Network Controlled System" is accepted to RV 2024

[06/2024] Our paper "Switching Controller Synthesis for Hybrid Systems Against STL Formulas" is accepted to FM 2024

[05/2024] Our paper "Boosting long delayed RL with auxiliary short delay" is accepted to ICML 2024

[05/2024] I will attend SSFT 2024. Please feel free to reach out if you are interested in my research

[04/2024] Our paper "State-wise Safe RL With Pixel Observations" is accepted to L4DC 2024

[03/2024] One paper accepted to LLMAgent@ICLR 2024

[09/2023] I will start my PhD journey at ECE department, Northwestern University

Model-Based Reward Shaping for Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning in Stochas- tic Environments
Simon Sinong Zhan, Qingyuan Wu, Philip Wang, Yixuan Wang, Ruochen Jiao, Chao Huang, Qi Zhu,
In Submission

Our project introduces a model-based adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning framework that enhances performance in stochastic environments by incorporating transition dynamics into reward shaping, significantly improving sample efficiency and robustness compared to traditional approaches.

Variational Delayed Policy Optimization
Qingyuan Wu*, Simon Sinong Zhan*, Yixuan Wang, Yuhui Wang, Chung-Wei Lin, Chen Lv, Qi Zhu, Chao Huang,
Neurips 2024(Spotlight)

Variational Delayed Policy Optimization (VDPO) reformulates delayed RL as a variational inference problem, which is further modelled as a two-step iterative optimization problem, where the first step is TD learning in the delay-free environment with a small state space, and the second step is behaviour cloning which can be addressed much more efficiently than TD learning.

Boosting Long-Delayed Reinforcement Learning with Auxiliary Short-Delayed Task
Qingyuan Wu, Simon Sinong Zhan, Yixuan Wang, Yuhui Wang, Chung-Wei Lin, Chen Lv, Qi Zhu, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Chao Huang,
ICML 2024
arXiv code

Auxiliary-Delayed Reinforcement Learning (AD-RL) leverages an auxiliary short-delayed task to accelerate the learning on a long-delayed task without compromising the performance in stochastic environments.

State-wise Safe Reinforcement Learning With Pixel Observations
Simon Sinong Zhan, Yixuan Wang, Qingyuan Wu, Ruochen Jiao, Chao Huang, Qi Zhu,
L4DC 2024
arXiv / code and demos

In this paper, we propose a novel pixel-observation safe RL algorithm that efficiently encodes state-wise safety constraints with unknown hazard regions through the introduction of a latent barrier function learning mechanism.

Enforcing Hard Constraints with Soft Barriers: Safe Reinforcement Learning in Unknown Stochastic Environments
Yixuan Wang, Simon Sinong Zhan, Ruochen Jiao, Zhilu Wang, Wanxin Jin, Zhuoran Yang, Zhaoran Wang, Chao Huang, Qi Zhu,
ICML 2023
arXiv / code

A safe RL approach that can jointly learn the environment and optimize the control policy, while effectively avoiding unsafe regions with safety probability optimization.

Joint Differentiable Optimization and Verification for Certified Reinforcement Learning
Yixuan Wang*, Simon Sinong Zhan*, Zhilu Wang, Chao Huang, Zhaoran Wang, Zhuoran Yang, Qi Zhu,
ICCPS 2023
arXiv / code

A framework that jointly conducts reinforcement learning and formal verification by formulating and solving a novel bilevel optimization problem, which is end-to-end differentiable by the gradients from the value function and certificates formulated by linear programs and semi-definite programs.


MARS: a toolchain for Modeling, Analyzing and veRifying hybrid Systems

Toolchain to solve 3D bin packing in SMT formulation

  • Program Committee: ICCPS Artifact Evaluation
  • Conference Reviewer: ICML, ICLR, Neurips, L4DC
  • Journal Reviewer: Machine Learning, IEEE IoT
  • External Reviewer: DAC, ASP-DAC, CAV
  • Advising: Frank Yang(Northwestern, Undergrad), Philip Wang(Northwestern, Undergrad), Aria Ruan(Northwestern, Undergrad)
  • Teaching
  • Fall 2022: Math 128A Numerical Analysis TA

  • Source website.